Selasa, 01 Juli 2014

                                                   Environmental concern

It is the responsibility of all to create an environment that is clean, beautiful, and comfortable. Each individual has an equal responsibility to care for the environment, and ensure the environment is maintained as well as being environmentally sound. Children 5 years of age must be given a sense of concern for the environment.

As a society, environmental conditions will also be a barometer to gauge how the public its quality. That is, if the environment is problematic, then this indicates that the community is also problematic, and if the environment is good, then it is also a reflection that society is also good.

Each community must be sensitive to environmental conditions, keeping of things that are not desirable, able to demonstrate a high awareness of environmental attitudes, and willing to do much for the good of the environment and people's lives in general.

Verb (Creating, Measuring, Guarding)
Noun (clean, beautiful, comfortable, healthy, good, high)
Adjective (Caring, Kindness, Responsibility)

question: 5w + 1h
1. What are the obligations of the people to keep the environment?
2. Where do we need to keep clean?
When did it appears the attitude of environmental awareness in children?
4. Who should be responsible when the environment is not maintained?
5. Why care attitude it should start from an early age?
6. How does a community of caring attitude to keep the environment?


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