Tugas Bhs Inggris Bisnis 2
Nama : Denny Alfiandi
NPM : 12213182
Class : 4EA11
Dosen : Herlina Lindaria Simanjuntak
Rumus Conditional Setence
If + simple present, simple present
If + simple present, will + bare infinitive
If + simple past, would/could/might + bare infinitive
If + past perfect, would/should/could/might have + past participle
1.If I had not a stomachache this morning, I went to
college today. (Type 2)
2.If Jokowi wasn't elected as President, Susi won't
became a Minister of Fisheries. (Type 3)
3. If we don't eat fried food, our body will be
healthy. (Type 0)
4. If I have a wings, I will fly high. (Type 1)
5. If you are a flower, I become the beetle. (Type 2
6. If I study hard in the past, then less than 6
months again I will be graduate. (Type 3)
7. If Hendi wasn't registered at Gunadarma in the
past, then Hendi won't knew with Yana. (Type 3)
8. If someday
I become a Governor, I will give Mrs Linda an apartment. (Type 1)
9. If I get
100 in quiz right now, then I have an A grade. (Type 2)
10. If
someday I become a Manager, I will marry Exaudi. (Type 1)
11. If I have
a money right now, I will treat Mrs Linda. (Type 2)
Source : https://www.wordsmile.com/pengertian-rumus-contoh-kalimat-conditional-sentences
Source : https://www.wordsmile.com/pengertian-rumus-contoh-kalimat-conditional-sentences