Minggu, 14 Mei 2017

Kenapa saya memilih jurusan Manajemen ?

Tugas Bhs Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama    : Denny Alfiandi
NPM     : 12213182
Kelas     : 4EA11
Dosen    : Herlina Lindaria Simanjuntak

       Why I am in the faculty of economics management S1? Because I was a high school graduate and a major in social science. Then I went to college in economics with management majors, I chose this majors because the choice of courses that are not too difficult and easy to understand. Management majors can improve my knowledge in economics & I want to organize in a daily life so that our goals can be achieved well, then we should be able to set the plans and do the plans that have been made by ourselves, and talk about how we can do the plan we have set so that our goals can be achieved in accordance with the plan that we set at the beginning. Managerial company to let me know more in becoming a manager in a company. In addition Management has many roles, such as Interpersonal, information, and play an important role in decision making. From there I entered the management because I want to be a reliable person in the field of economics and can managerial a company. Management department is in great demand because of its wide job opportunities. Every company that stands will not be separated from the need for management graduates in each of their divisions, whether it's personnel, production, marketing, or in the financial division. The management that I know has four majors that give priority to me including:marketing management, financial management, human resource management and operational management. Of the four majors I have gained the sciences are very useful and beguna for example from marketing management how we as a marketing manager managing 4 aspects of marketing strategy that is product, place, price, and promotion to run well. When the role of management is necessary for the company to a plan set by the company to achieve targets or profits obtained by the company, therefore we must prepare a transition us as an expert and professional management graduates in the world of work.

Minggu, 07 Mei 2017


Tugas Bhs Inggris Bisnis 2
Nama : Denny Alfiandi
NPM  : 12213182
Kelas  : 4EA11
Dosen : Herlina Lindaria Simanjuntak

Interested in a Performance-Management System? Establish Trust First.

The main goal for performance-management systems is to improve employee effectiveness. Employers understand how important those systems are, but some employees have a tough time buying into the idea of them.
A 2014 Employee Outlook survey conducted by YouGov for the U.K.-based Chartered Institute of Personel and Development found that 30 percent of the 2,523 employees surveyed saw performance management systems as unfair. This begs the question: How can companies create performance-management systems that employees can support, and believe to be objective?
First, of course, trust must be established. Once employees trust their employer, they will believe that performance-management systems are the best tool a company has to understand how employees contribute, and to improve productivity. They are intended for company and employee growth, not, as many people fear, to fuel an office witch hunt.
Here’s how to establish trust and credibility with employees:
1. Prioritize employee recognition.
Employees struggle to respect authority and trust managers who don’t recognize their successes, and most employers are failing at employee recognition. A September 2015 study from Achievers found that 57 percent of the 397 employees surveyed didn't feel recognized for their progress at work.
When companies use an employee-recognition plan, they celebrate staff successes and create incentives to keep people motivated. Such a plan engages employees because they feel that they are noticed for their progress and performance. In fact, the 2015 Globoforce Survey found that 90 percent of the 823 HR professionals participating said that an employee recognition program positively impacts engagement.
The ability to provide on going feedback is a by product of employee recognition programs. When managers are engaged with their staff, focusing both on where employees can improve and where they are exceeding expectations, they are building trust and showing employees respect. And trust and respect are vital to an effective performance management system.

2. Lead by example.
A strong work ethic isn't learned from managers who talk about it without backing it up. In other words, practice what is preached. Employees will respect leaders who live by the direction and guidance they provide.
For example, if supervisors remind team members to complete their purchase orders while they themselves fail to perform this task, employees won’t be motivated. All levels of the staff need to trust leadership, and true leaders demonstrate company values and teach policies and procedures in their actions, not just their words.

3. Assume personal accountability.
Passing the buck is neither productive nor admirable. When leaders avoid taking responsibility for their actions, employees lose trust and respect for them, and sometimes people even jump ship because of it. A 2014 BambooHR survey found that one in five employees surveyed had left a previous employer because of a boss who “passed the buck.”
Just as they should lead by example in terms of work ethic, managers also need to show that personal accountability is something the company values in its employees. If you're a manager, admit oversights and mishaps, then develop solutions and preventative measures to avoid future problems. After all, that’s what performance management is all about improving productivity and empowering employees to be more accountable for their actions.

4. Remain positive.
Speak in a positive way that is forward-thinking and solutions-oriented. The company’s values and direction are important to talk about on a regular basis. Keep employees informed about where the company is going and how each person is contributing to that vision.
Unfortunately, a large number of employees miss out on this big-picture kind of thinking. The September 2015 study from Achievers found that 61 percent of participating employees didn't know their company’s mission or cultural values. Additionally, 45 percent didn't trust their company’s leadership.
When managers can establish the large-scale vision from the get-go, employees know their role in the company’s growth plan and are far more invested in their work. They welcome performance management with open arms when they know how it will help them achieve their goals.

5. Invest in career development.
When employers invest in their employees and guide them toward career growth, those employees feel valued and respected. A talent mobility program is the perfect way to systematically identify top performers, create action plans and execute an effective training and development process.
Companies that help employees define their personal goals are building a trusting relationship. Employees will understand that the performance-management system is meant to help them improve in ways that help them reach their individual goals as well as achieve organizational objectives.
Performance management doesn’t just play a part in the company’s needs it benefits those who want to grow and move within the company and industry. Employers who can illustrate this connection for their workforce will be well on their way to large-scale growth.

Keterangan : 
1.     Kalimat yang diberi warna merah adalah kalimat present tense
2.     Kalimat yang diberi warna biru adalah kalimat present perfect tense
3.     Kalimat yang ditebalkan adalah if clause

Source : https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/281377

Jumat, 28 April 2017

Conditional Setence / If Clause

Tugas Bhs Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama  : Denny Alfiandi
NPM    : 12213182
Class   : 4EA11
Dosen  : Herlina Lindaria Simanjuntak

Rumus Conditional Setence
If + simple present, simple present
If + simple present, will + bare infinitive
If + simple past, would/could/might + bare infinitive
If + past perfect, would/should/could/might have + past participle


1.If I had not a stomachache this morning, I went to college today. (Type 2)

2.If Jokowi wasn't elected as President, Susi won't became a Minister of Fisheries. (Type 3)

3. If we don't eat fried food, our body will be healthy. (Type 0)

4. If I have a wings, I will fly high. (Type 1)

5. If you are a flower, I become the beetle. (Type 2 )

6. If I study hard in the past, then less than 6 months again I will be graduate. (Type 3)

7. If Hendi wasn't registered at Gunadarma in the past, then Hendi won't knew with Yana. (Type 3)

8.  If someday I become a Governor, I will give Mrs Linda an apartment. (Type 1)

9.  If I get 100 in quiz right now, then I have an A grade. (Type 2)

10.  If someday I become a Manager, I will marry Exaudi. (Type 1)

11.  If I have a money right now, I will treat Mrs Linda. (Type 2)

Source : https://www.wordsmile.com/pengertian-rumus-contoh-kalimat-conditional-sentences    

Sabtu, 25 Maret 2017

Subject Verb Agreement

Tugas Bhs Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Denny Alfiandi
NPM  : 12213182
Class  : 4EA11
Dosen : Herlina Lindaria Simanjuntak

I. Multiple Choice

1. I ……. submit the job in The Coca Cola company.
a. did
b. do 
c. doing
d. does

2. My hobby…….playing futsal.
a. have
b. is 
c. are
d. has

3. Galih and Ratna.....want to see that horror movie.
a. don't
b. doesn't
c. do
d. does

4. Each employee ......obligated to participate in teamwork.
a. is
b. are
c. has
d. have

5. My Mother ……. cooked raibow cake in the kitchen.
a. has 
b. have 
c. has been
d. have been

6. My father and I ..... coffee every morning.
a. drink
b. drinks
c. drinking
d. drunk

7. Iwan Fals the singer who ..... loved by all his fans.
a. has
b. have
c. is
d. are

8. Students …….folders for there writing samples.
a. create 
b. creates
c. created
d. to create

9. There ..... some people at the meeting last night.
a. were
b. went
c. was 
d. is

10. My brother will ……. to Pandawa Beach tomorrow.
a. going
b. went
c. go 
d. goes

II. Error Analysis 

1. There is some eggs in the market.
               A     B      C       D
Answer : A. is -->  are
Analysis : " some eggs " is plural , so the verb must also be plural : are

2. We studies English with lecture in the class    
      A    B                      C                   D
 Answer : B. studies --> study
Analysis : subject in plural. Then use plural verb without ‘’es’’

3. My brother are teaching me how to driving car yesterday
                          A   B           C                D
Answer : A. are --> is
Analysis : single subject ( singular ). Then use singular verb with tobe “is”

4. Everyone at airport was waiting for the plane
            A      B              C      D
Answer : C. was --> is
Analysis : everyone (singular). Then use singular verb “is”

5.  Dona and Doni is going to find the new shoes
                               A      B       C          D
Answer : A . is --> are
Analysis : two or more subjects connected by “and” use a plural Verb

6. Rian seem to think  that Ara was not home
              A           B       C             D
Answer : A . seem --> seems

Analysis : With singular subject , use verbs that end in “s”

7. There was four cars on  the garage
      A        B           C     D
Answer : B . was --> were

Analysis : cars is a plural noun, then used the plural verb

8. The horse run through the field
         A            B       C            D
Answer : B . run --> runs

Analysis : With singular subject , use verbs that end in “s”

9. Either my father  or I will going to the station
                     A          B     C       D  
Answer : C . will --> am

Analysis : when “I” was one of the subjects are connected by either/or, as well as the “I” placed on the second, then follow the subject with the verb am.

10. My sister bring me a cup of coffee and some bread
                           A               B           C               D
Answer : A . bring --> brings

Analysis : subject in singular. Then use singular verb with ‘’s’’

11. Bram work hard to gives her mother diamond
                    A                  B     C                   D
Answer : A . work --> works

Analysis : subject in singular . Then use singular verb with ‘’s’’

12. Some of the children is crying
        A                 B          C    D
   Answer : C . is --> are

Analysis : some of the children means more than one child, so the verb shoud be plural : are.

13. My books was borrowing by him
                 A          B         C              D
     Answer : B . was --> were

Analysis : subject in plural verb( my books). Tobe “were “ is plural.

14. My grandmother have a long story
             A                         B     C      D
   Answer : B. have --> has
   Analysis : collective nouns are words that imply more than one person but that are considered singular and take a singular verb.

   15. The girl talk to me about her problem
                        A   B                  C       D
   Answer : A. talk --> talks
   Analysis : subject  in singular . Then use verb with ‘’s’’

Minggu, 01 Januari 2017

Penataan Kawasan dan Etika Bisnis


       Kegiatan bisnis merupakan kegiatan yang menghasilkan keuntungan. Salah satunya pedagang kaki lima, yaitu mereka yang melakukan kegiatan usaha dagang perorangan atau kelompok yang dalam menjalankan usahanya menggunakan tempat-tempat fasilitas umum, seperti terotoar, pinggir-pinggir jalan umum, dan lain sebagainya 

      Pedagang kaki lima merupakan suatu kegiatan ekonomi dalam wujud sektor informal yang membuka usahanya di bidang produksi dan penjualan barang dan jasa dengan menggunakan modal yang relatif kecil serta menempati ruang publik. Sebagaimana sektor informal lainnya, pedagang kaki lima juga banyak menyerap tenaga kerja yang cukup tinggi.

         Di beberapa tempat, pedagang kaki lima dipermasalahkan karena mengganggu para pengendara kendaraan bermotor, mengunakan badan jalan dan trotoar. Selain itu ada PKL yang menggunakan sungai dan saluran air terdekat untuk membuang sampah dan air cuci. Sampah dan air sabun dapat lebih merusak sungai yang ada dengan mematikan ikan dan menyebabkan pencemaran. Tetapi PKL kerap menyediakan makanan atau barang lain dengan harga yang lebih, bahkan sangat, murah daripada membeli di toko. Modal dan biaya yang dibutuhkan kecil, sehingga kerap mengundang pedagang yang hendak memulai bisnis dengan modal yang kecil atau orang kalangan ekonomi lemah yang biasanya mendirikan bisnisnya di sekitar rumah mereka.


Etika Bisnis 

         Etika bisnis merupakan studi yang dikhususkan mengenai moral yang benar dan salah. Studi ini berkonsentrasi pada standar moral sebagaimana diterapkan dalam kebijakan, institusi, dan perilaku bisnis (Velasquez, 2005). Secara sederhana yang dimaksud dengan etika bisnis adalah cara-cara untuk melakukan kegiatan bisnis, yang mencakup seluruh aspek yang berkaitan dengan individu, perusahaan, industri dan juga masyarakat. 

        Kesemuanya ini mencakup bagaimana kita menjalankan bisnis secara adil, sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku, dan tidak tergantung pada kedudukan individu ataupun perusahaan di masyarakat. Fungsi etika bisnis diantaranya adalah dapat mengurangi dana yang diakibatkan dari pencegahan yang kemungkinan terjadinya friksi atau perpecahan, baik dari intern perusahaan itu sendiri maupun ekstern. Selain itu, dalam penerapan etika bisnis ini juga berfungsi untuk membangkitkan motivasi pekerja agar terus meningkat, melindungi prinsip dalam kebebasan berdagang atau berniaga, serta dapat meciptakan keunggulan dalam bersaing.

Pengertian Pedagang Kaki Lima

       Pedagang kaki lima berasal dari istilah “kaki lima” yang merupakan warisan sejarah, sebab istilah ini muncul saat pemerintah jajahan Inggris di Indonesia. Pada saat itu Raffles telah mengeluarkan peraturan penggunaan jalan, yakni mengharuskan agar kiri dan kanan jalan selebar lima feet bagi pejalan kaki itu digunakan oleh pedagang untuk menggelar jualannya, karena mereka berjualan di arena lima feet tadi, kemudian dikenal sebagai pedagang kaki lima (Hernawi dalam Sudaryanti 2000:8). 

      Menurut Eridian dalam Sudaryanti (2000:8) “Pedagang kaki lima ialah orang-orang dengan modal relatif kecil/sedikit berusaha (produksi-penjualan barang-barang/jasa-jasa) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kelompok konsumen tertentu dalam masyarakat”. Usaha itu dilakukan pada tempat-tempat yang dianggap strategis dalam suasana informal.

Dampak Positif :

  • PKL menjadi katup pengaman bagi masyarakat perekonomian lemah baik sebagai profesi maupun bagi konsumen untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya, terutama akibat krisis ekonomi.
  • PKL menyediakan kebutuhan barang dan jasa yang relatif murah bagi masyarakat yang berpenghasilan menengah ke bawah.
  • Jumlah yang besar, ragam bentuk usaha dan keunikan merupakan potensi yang besar untuk menghias wajah kota, apabila ditata dan diatur dengan baik.
  • PKL dapat memberikan rasa aman yang menjadi barrier untuk keamanan aktivitas pedagang formal karena kontiunitas kegiatannya hampir 24 jam.
  • PKL tidak dapat dipisahkan dari unsur budaya dan eksistensinya tidak dapat dihapuskan.
  • KL menyimpan potensi pariwisata yang cukup besar.
Dampak Negatif :

  • Media dagang yang tidak estetis dan tidak tertata dengan baik menimbulkan kesan semrawut dan kumuh, akibatnya menurunnya kualitas visual kota.
  • Lokasi berdagang sebagian PKL yang memakai badan jalan yang tidak semestinya menimbulkan kemacetan lalu lintas.
  • Lokasi berdagang yang menggunakan pedestrian, trotoar dan taman menyita hak para pejalan kaki.
  • Menggeser fungsi ruang publik.
  • Keberadaan PKL yang tidak terkendali mengakibatkan pejalan kaki berdesak-desakan, sehingga dapat timbul tindak kriminal (pencopetan).
  • Mengganggu kegiatan ekonomi pedagang formal karena lokasinya yang cenderung memotong jalur pengunjung seperti pinggir jalan dan depan toko.


       Dalam kasus PKL ini terjadi di pasar Cibinong banyak sekali PKL yang berjualan tidak beraturan disekitar pasar. Karna banyaknya dan tidak beraturan, sering kali membuat macet dan lingkungan menjadi terlihat kotor dengan sampah-sampah dari pedagang.

      Sudah diperingatkan beberapa kali PKL ini masih tidak kapok tetap berjualan di area tersebut. Meskipun sudah ada tempatnya yaitu di dalam pasar Cibinong para PKL ini mengeluhkan membayar sewa tempat yang mahal. Para PKL melanggar peraturan dengan alasan ingin mendapat keuntungan dengan berjualan di tempat-tempat stategis sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. PKL yang tidak terima ditertibkan seringkali melakukan perlawanan kepada petugas yang menertibkan, dan tidak jarang terjadi keributan sehingga kegiatan penertiban tidak kondusif. 

    Dari segi etika bisnis kasus tersebut pedagang kaki lima ini seharusnya mendirikan usahanya jangan asal disembarang tempat demi meraup keutungan dan menggangu masyarakat sekitar contohnya berdagang di tempat yang tidak sesuai seperti trotoar yang menghalangi pejalan kaki, berjualan di pinggir-pinggir jalan sehingga menimbulkan kemacetan dan sebagainya. Seharusnya dari pihak pemerintah menyediakan tempat yang layak untuk berjualan dan menyewakan lapak untuk penjual dengan sewa yang murah agar pedagang dapat berjualan dengan tertib dan nyaman.

Referensi  : http://fauzanhizbullah.blogspot.co.id/2013/02/pedagang-kaki-lima.html

Kenapa saya memilih jurusan Manajemen ?

Tugas Bhs Inggris Bisnis 2 Nama    : Denny Alfiandi NPM     : 12213182 Kelas     : 4EA11 Dosen    : Herlina Lindaria Simanjuntak   ...